Agjensia Kombëtare e Planifikimit të Territorit
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Plan Implementation Monitoring Platform

The term "monitoring" can be interpreted as a "control" or "continuous observatory" process and means continuous gathering, evaluation, interpretation and provision of appropriate data, indicators or events as a basis for decision-making in relation to planning territory.

Our monitoring approach relates to the implementation of the main principles of sustainable development that are defined in the national and local plans for the territory of Albania and also for the evaluation of the implementation of the strategic projects defined in these documents.

The monitoring activity also serves to support the management of settlement areas as well as modernization for their administration.

In the field of spatial planning, monitoring serves to inform on:

  1. Providing information to the public and policy-makers on spatial developments.
  2. Increase public awareness and polics for a more conscientious use of land and natural resources.
  3. Increase public and politicians motivation towards a higher commitment to the development of their region.
  4. Problematic developments in the territory and through forecasting scenarios showing the need for appropriate actions in the field of spatial planning.


In order to monitor the development of the territory in accordance with the document "Shqipëria 2030", referred to the legal basis "On Territorial Planning and Development", Law 107/2014 - amended, document of the General National Spatial Plan for the territory and NTPA's activity for coordinating and supporting the local government for drafting the overall local plans, these monitoring instruments are suggested:

  1. Set of National Indicators;
  2. Matrix for implementation of national strategic projects (source GNSP);
  3. Matrix for implementation of local strategic projects (source GLP).

The key requirement regarding the choice of indicators is that they should be clear and easy to interpret, territorial relevant, applicable, measurable and meaningful in analytical terms.