"Journal of a space" is an exhibition organized by the National Territorial Planning Agency and the Ministry of Urban Development for the vision Albania 2030. The exhibition was opened on the third floor of the National Gallery of Arts and remained open for 7 months. During this period more than 5,000 visitors from various fields such as architects, planners, students and various professionals, most of them foreigners, visited the exhibition.
In addition to the vision Albania 2030, the vision for the next 15 years for the development of the albanian territory, this exhibition presented to the public also an overview of the planning on the albanian soil from 500 BC to the present, for the formation of Settlements in Albania as well as the treasures it carries.
In the premises of the exhibition was held one of the most special meetings of the National Territorial Council, where the strategic documents were approved, part of the vision Albania 2030: National General Spatial Plan, Cross-sectorial Integrated Plan for the Coast and Cross-sectorial Integrated Plan for the economic area Tirane - Durres.