Agjensia Kombëtare e Planifikimit të Territorit
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NTPA Function

The legal basis for the establishment of NTPA

-        Law No. 107/2014 “On territorial planning and development”, as amended;

-        DCM No. 427, dated 08/06/2016 “On the organisation and functioning of the National Territorial Planning Agency”.

The function

The National Territorial Planning Agency (NTPA) is an authority responsible for planning, subordinate to the Ministry responsible for territorial planning and development issues. Our mission is to contribute to the sustainable territorial development guided by well-planned strategies and medium and long term development programs; ensure the implementation of applicable laws and by-laws that guarantee the territorial well-planning; and facilitate professional dialogue in the field of territorial planning by disseminating the knowledge acquired during our experience in this field. In this framework, NTPA shall prepare itself, prepare in collaboration and coordinate the processes for the development of territorial planning documents and shall ensure coordination between territorial planning authorities, both horizontally (between central government institutions) and vertically (between local and central government institutions). Additionally, NTPA shall guide, coordinate and mediate the activities for the modernisation of the planning model and the promotion of innovatory practices in urban design and planning.


NTPA shall be responsible for:

-          informing on the processes of upgrading the legislation on territorial planning;

-          administering and maintaining the territorial planning database (National Registry of Territorial Planning);

-          informing the public on territorial planning processes, and promote its participation in the processes for the development and implementation of the planning documents;

-          ensuring legal, technical and methodological standards in the territorial planning field;

-          preparing studies on the Integrated Planning System in the Republic of Albania, proposals for the Minister responsible for territorial planning and development, the National Territorial Council and the Council of Ministers, and measures on the sustainable territorial development and on processes and activities related to territorial planning;

-          preparing the Annual Monitoring Report on the Achievement of the Goals and Objectives, stated in the General Territorial Plan and detailed plans for areas of national importance.