Agjensia Kombëtare e Planifikimit të Territorit
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The government residences of Velipoja and Vlora, once dedicated to hosting distinguished personalities and organizing official events, today represent a part of Albania's hospitality history. However, with the passage of time and changing needs, these properties have lost their functionality and have become rarely utilized structures, posing a financial burden for maintenance and remaining dormant assets with no tangible economic return. At a time when the demand for elite tourism and economic development is increasing, it is essential to approach these properties with a new vision. Their reimagining is not merely an option but a necessity, transforming them into valuable and dynamic assets that meet contemporary demands and contribute to Albania’s sustainable future.

This project aims to transform these residences from deteriorated and underutilized structures into modern hubs for elite tourism and economic development. By preserving the historical and architectural values of these properties, the reconceptualization will bring harmony between past and future, emphasizing not only innovation but also the preservation of cultural identity.

The government residences will incorporate the highest standards of modern hospitality, supported by advanced technologies and contemporary design. Their transformation seeks to create a unique hospitality experience, turning them into models of economic and environmental sustainability.

The transformation of these properties will be guided by a clear architectural and functional vision. The project aims to integrate contemporary architecture with green technologies and the latest innovations in the tourism sector. These buildings will not merely serve as hospitality facilities but as spaces reflecting a new philosophy of elite tourism, where luxury and elegance merge with respect for the environment and natural resources. Positioned in unique destinations such as Velipoja and Vlora, the residences will establish a special connection with their surrounding landscapes, preserving and enhancing the natural beauty that Albania offers. In this way, they will serve as attractive landmarks not only for international tourists but also as models for the sustainable development of the surrounding areas.

Through collaboration with prestigious global hotel chains and investors, these properties will be positioned as world-class tourism destinations. At the heart of this vision lies the creation of a tourism ecosystem that promotes economic development and generates new job opportunities for local communities. The transformation of the residences is not merely an investment in revitalizing unused state properties but also in Albania's image as a prominent tourism destination in the Mediterranean. These structures will offer more than luxury and hospitality - they will stand as examples of excellence in architecture, innovation, and sustainability.

This initiative represents more than the physical transformation of several buildings - it embodies a commitment to the country’s economic and social future. By leveraging the potential of these properties, Albania asserts itself as a leader in elite tourism and sustainable development.

At the conclusion of this transformation, the government residences of Velipoja and Vlora will be more than destinations for elite tourism and the hosting of distinguished personalities. They will stand as success stories, models for others, and reflections of Albania’s continuing aspirations and commitment to development and progress.