Agjensia Kombëtare e Planifikimit të Territorit
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Dual Public Property Development Competitions


Tirana has undergone an extraordinary transformation since transitioning to a market economy after 1991. The city epitomizes the dynamics of Albania’s evolution, now home to almost 1 million inhabitants, which is over a third of the country’s entire population. Tirana’s long- term strategic development trajectory contrasts with two decades of spontaneous and relatively uncontrolled growth, aiming to create a visually unique, culturally vibrant, and economically attractive capital for the region and beyond.

Tirana’s urban development has rapidly expanded over the last decade, spurred by increased confidence in Albania’s economic stability. This has attracted intensive foreign investment and fostered government initiatives, transforming Tirana into a center of economic activity and cultural diversity.

As a result of this economic and urban development, Tirana's real estate market has experienced significant growth and transformation, particularly in the office and housing segments. This trend is driven by the high demand for modern residential and commercial environments.

Rapid development and the process of European integration have made a well- functioning public sector a vital necessity to maintain the country's development trajectory. Today, much of the administrative infrastructure is located in amortized buildings on state-owned properties, most of which were constructed with low quality during the twentieth century. Additionally, several public institutions rent spaces from the market.

Beyond the wear of time, many of these buildings sustained structural damage in the 2019 earthquake. Moreover, these buildings were designed in a bygone era, making them unsuitable for contemporary workspaces.

However, these government properties represent assets with substantial economic value. The Albanian Investment Corporation (AIC), established by the Albanian Government and set up as a corporation with the public as the intended beneficiary, is tasked with transforming these properties through financial mechanisms to leverage their economic value.

In this large-scale effort to rebuild a significant portion of the public administration, the AIC will coordinate the transformation process with private-sector developers. In exchange for the right to develop highly amortized properties, these developers will finance the development and modernization of several government clusters, providing modern, accessible, and efficient workspaces for numerous government agencies currently underserved by their existing spaces.

This competition seeks to generate proposals to realize this twofold vision of administrative upgrading and modern mixed-use development. We aim for innovative and forward-thinking designs that harmonize diverse programmatic requirements while remaining flexible enough to accommodate future uses.

This initiative aims to provide a dynamic, efficient, and feasible solution to the many challenges inherent in such a complex and ambitious goal. The benefits include:

>  Transforming underutilized or amortized buildings and parcels into new urban landmarks

>  Stimulating surrounding property values

>  Boosting business activities in the area

>  Developing state-of-the-art facilities with high standards and the latest technology, attracting a diverse range of residents and businesses

>  Enhancing government services and administration through upgraded infrastructure

>  Increasing operational efficiency for public institutions

>  Improving workplace standards for public officials

>  Creating dynamic and inclusive spaces for the larger community

>  Developing and validating new economic concepts based on efficiency and mutual benefits

>  Harmonizing new infrastructure with sustainable and technological advancements