Agjensia Kombëtare e Planifikimit të Territorit
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Kuarteti i Kulturës

Nëntor-Dhjetor 2015


Ministria e Kulturës synon thurjen e një rrjeti hapësirash dhe programesh të dedikuara për krijimin dhe përthithjen/ konsumin e kulturës në Tiranë, një shans për të bërë dhe transmetuar histori, një shans për të kaluarën dhe të ardhmen të shkrihen në të tashmen, në një shumatore të mundësive të ardhshme, si dhe të ardhmes së mundshme. Një shans për të gjetur hapësirat e shprehjes që do të pasurojnë skenën e artit të Tiranës. Rivitalizimi, ri-përdorim apo [ri]funksionalizimi i “Kuartetit të Kulturës”, është një thirrje që pret përgjigje. Produkti i konkursit do të jetë një projektim arkitektonik dhe kuratorial për ‘Kuartetin Kulturor’, që përbëhet nga katër territore të ndryshme në harkun e një rrezeje prej 1 km. Konkursi synon të integrojë ruajtjen e historisë si një përqasje kreative në ‘bërjen/ shenjimin’ e nje vendi, duke forcuar kështu lidhjen ndërmjet komunitetit dhe masivit të objekteve historike që ato ndajnë. Keshtu, ri-përdorimi i përshtatur i objekteve dhe monumenteve për funksione të ndryshme (edukative, ekspozite, shërbime sociale dhe komunitare, aktivitete kulturore) ka si qëllim maksimizimin e vlerave të përbashkëta, veçanërisht duke i kushtuar vëmendje identitetit fizik, kulturor dhe social që e percaktojnë dhe i japin formë një vendi dhe transformimeve të mëtejshme të tij. Ndërhyrjet përfshijnë rehabilitimin e infrastruktures ekzistente (duke përmirësuar cilësinë dhe ofrimin e shërbimeve aty ku shihet e nevojshme) dhe restaurimin e komponetëve sipas nevojës.


1. Muzeu Historik Kombëtar

Casanova+Hernandez architects + SON engineering & construction

2. Ish-lidhja e Shkrimtarëve dhe Artistëve

Casanova+Hernandez architects + SON engineering & construction

3. Pallati i Brigadave

Nuk u përzgjodh fitues nga Juria

4. Vila

Nuk u përzgjodh fitues nga Juria


Çmimi i parë




Casanova+Hernandez Architects + SON engineering & construction


Jesus Hernandez Mayo | Driant Zeneli | Petra Blaisse | Athina Kavaja | Gentian Stratoberdha | Erind Bejleri | Zef Paci | Kim Knoppers | Paolo Naldini | Cecilia Guida | Enriketa Papa




Çmimi i parë




Casanova+Hernandez Architects + SON engineering & construction


Jesus Hernandez Mayo  |  Driant Zeneli  |  Petra Blaisse  |  Athina Kavaja  |  Gentian Stratoberdha  |  Erind Bejleri  |  Zef Paci  |  Kim Knoppers  |  Paolo Naldini  |  Cecilia Guida  |  Enriketa Papa 





Muzeu Historik Kombëtar - Design and Curatorial Proposal

Elvan Dajko | Endrit Marku | Sarah Whiting | Ron Witte | T. Gunny Harboe | Sarah Oppenheimer | Emel Peterci | Bryony Roberts | Alison Weaver

G.Massera + M&J Archi + A+C Studio + EFA_studio


Muzeu Historik Kombëtar

A.Massera | M&J Archi-Studio | A+C Studio | EFA_studio | Sh. Prifti | G. Milani | E. Oxha | A. Oppio | L. Murtaj | S. Capolongo | J. Hatibi | F. Trebicka | G. Daniela | A. Pinari | F. Rolli


Ish - Lidhja e Shkrimtarëve 

P.T. Lang | G. Bombaci | M. Costanzo | C.N.Ciuffa | A. Acciarino | G. Ascone | E. Ghezzi | S. Sanchietti | T. Scheibova | N. Secchi | M. Neuber | P. Rapp | K. Riedl | V. Damian | K. Köstler | P. Naumburg | P. Pasha | S. Baldon | S.D. Pisa | Gj. Dushniku | L. Cekrezi | K. Cari | R. Struga | G. Misja | G. Struga


G.Massera + M&J Archi + A+C Studio + EFA_studio

Pallati i Brigadave

A. Massera | M&J Archi-Studio | A+C Studio | EFA_studio | Sh. Prifti | G. Milani | E. Oxha | G. Milani | A. Oppio | L. Murtaj | S. Capolongo | J. Hatibi | F. Trebicka | G. Daniela | F. Rolli | A. Pinari

casanova hernandez + SON engineering & Construction

Palace of Brigades

Jesus Hernandez Mayor | Driant Zeneli | Petra Blaisse | Athina Kavaja | Gentian Stratoberdha | Erind Bejleri | Zef Paci | Kim Knoppers | Paolo Naldini | Cecilia Guida | Enriketa Papa


Villa 31

P.T. Lang | G. Bombaci | M. Costanzo | C.N. Ciuffa | A. Acciarino | G. Ascone | E. Ghezzi | S. Sanchietti | T. Scheibova | N. Secchi | M. Neuber | P. Rapp | K. Riedl | V. Damian | K. Köstler | P. Naumburg | P. Pasha | S. Baldon | S.D. Pisa | Gj. Dushniku | L. Cekrezi | K. Cari | G. Misja | R. Struga | G. Struga

casanova hernandez + SON engineering & Construction

Villa 31

Jesus Hernandez Mayor | Driant Zeneli | Petra Blaisse | Athina Kavaja | Gentian Stratoberdha | Erind Bejleri | Zef Paci | Kim Knoppers | Paolo Naldini | Cecilia Guida | Enriketa Papa




Lorenza Baroncelli studied architecture at University of Rome where she graduated cum laude with a thesis on the growth and development of Bogotà in relation to its armed conflicts. 
From 2009 to 2011 she worked as an architect at Stefano Boeri Architects where she collaborated in urban and architectural projects including, among others, the Recovery of the Ex Arsenale at La Maddalena and the Concept Masterplan for the Milan Expo 2015. In 2011 she was general coordinator for the Festarch festival in Perugia. Since February 2011 she joined Equipo de Mazzantiin Bogota as co-director of the studio. She was published on national and international architecture magazines as Abitare, Domus and Urbanistica.


After graduating in Architecture and Urban Planning at the Polytechnic University of Krakow in Poland, she worked for a long period of time in the Municipality of Tirana as urban planner, developing parallely and hereinafter the academic experience in teaching at the Faculty of Architecture. Co-designer of a considerable number of urban studies, urban requalification projects of public spaces, she also owns qualitative experience in design and implementation. Currently directs the Institute of Cultural Monuments, it is co-author of numerous projects on the restoration of monuments, and revitalization of historical and museum centers. The initiator of several partnerships with the Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of History and Philology and non-governmental organizations participating in the IPA projects in the region. The Institute she leads is the focal point of UNESCO for the declared World Heritage properties in the territory of Albania and maintains regular contacts with European institutions on exchanging parallel and successful experiences. Participant and contributor in a series of international conferences and exhibitions on preservation, revitalisation and management of cultural assets. Jury member in several international architectural competitions.


Mirela Kumbaro Furxhi (born 1966 in Tirana, Albania), is an Albanian politician. In 2013 she was elected Minister of Culture of Albania. She holds the title of Associate Professor, since 2012 at the University of Tirana, in the field of linguistics. In 2009 defended the title Doctor of Science in the field of translation studies at the University of Tirana. In addition she achieved a Masters Degree in Translation and Intercultural Communication in 1994, at E.S.I.T - Paris III, University of Sorbonne - Nouvelle, Paris, France. Mirela has completed university studies and graduated from the University of Tirana, Faculty of Foreign Languages, papers in French, in 1988. Mrs. Kumbaro is a translator, publisher and international expert on intercultural projects and university research programs undertaken by international organizations like the European Union, the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie.


Head of Exhibitions at the Architectural Association, one of the world’s leading centres for architectural culture and learning. Vanessa is one of the leading curators of architecture in the UK and has commissioned and curated a range of exhibitions that celebrate architecture in a wider context. She has been a pioneer of urban installations, overseeing a series of temporary pavilions in Bedford Square.


Adrian Paci was born in Shkodër, Albania, in 1969. From 1987 to 1991 he attended the Akademia e Arteve in Tirana, Albania. He lectured in art history and aesthetics in Shkodër from 1995 until 1997, at which time he left his home country for Milan, escaping the violence of the armed uprising that roiled Albania that year. Paci’s position as an exile holds a central place in his oeuvre. His work frequently addresses themes of geographical separation, nostalgia, and memory, and conveys a keen sense of the mutability of life and art. In 1999 Paci was among the first Albanian artists to represent their country at the Venice Biennale. In 2004 he was a resident artist at Apexart in New York. His first major solo exhibition took place the following year at MoMA PS1 in New York. That same year, he had a solo exhibition at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm and his work was featured again at the Venice Biennale. In 2009 his work appeared in the group exhibition The Storytellers at the Museum Folkwang in Essen, Germany. Since 2003 he has been a lecturer in visual arts at the Accademia Carrara di Belle Arti in Bergamo and the Università IUAV in Venice. Paci currently resides and works in Milan.


After graduating in Architecture and Urban Planning at the Polytechnic University of Krakow in Poland, she worked for a long period of time in the Municipality of Tirana as urban planner, developing parallely and hereinafter the academic experience in teaching at the Faculty of Architecture. Co-designer of a considerable number of urban studies, urban requalification projects of public spaces, she also owns qualitative experience in design and implementation. Currently directs the Institute of Cultural Monuments, it is co-author of numerous projects on the restoration of monuments, and revitalization of historical and museum centers. The initiator of several partnerships with the Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of History and Philology and non-governmental organizations participating in the IPA projects in the region. The Institute she leads is the focal point of UNESCO for the declared World Heritage properties in the territory of Albania and maintains regular contacts with European institutions on exchanging parallel and successful experiences. Participant and contributor in a series of international conferences and exhibitions on preservation, revitalisation and management of cultural assets. Jury member in several international architectural competitions.


Elisabetta Terragni is a tenured Professor at City College of New York. She is a licensed architect practicing between Italy, Switzerland, Albania and the United States. Her work extends from the analysis of hand-motion to the transformation of abandoned industrial and military infrastructures. 
Terragni’s work raises issues of spatial and temporal discontinuities in the design of exhibitions, the conversion of abandoned sites and disused infrastructures for new public purposes. Leftovers, abandoned places, and structures that have fallen in disuse will continue to be the sites of architectural interventions, challenging imagination and sensibility, so as to avoid heavy-handed results. In a number of places, such as abandoned highway tunnels and demilitarized zones, Terragni has installed museum venues and rededicated remaining buildings by treading lightly on the ground. She has frequent consultation with private individuals and institutions regarding projects of renovation and re-adaptation like the consultancy for Trento Province in view of the development in the area around the tunnels project, 2010 to present. Since the extensive renovation project of Giuseppe Terragni’s 1937 Asilo Sant’Elia, Como, entailing an integral structural renovation and overhaul of mechanical equipment, she is frequently invited to analyze economical and technical problems of landmark buildings from 1920 to 1950.
