The National Territorial Council (NTC) is a collegial body subordinate to the Council of Ministers and headed by the Prime Minister. NTC is composed of the Chairman and 8 members, appointed pursuant to DCM No 519, dated 20/09/2017 “On determining the composition of the National Territorial Council”
The National Territorial Council, concerning territorial planning, has the following competences:
a) decides on the approval, approval with changes or postponement for later review of the planning documents, submitted for approval by the planning authorities, under the provisions of Law No 107/2014, “On territorial planning and development”, as amended;
b) decides on the approval of sectoral planning documents, defined by a special legislation, and affecting the territory;
c) determines the national importance of an issue, zone or object of territorial planning and approves the detailed plans for a zone of national importance, when such are foreseen under the General National Territorial Plan.
Additionally, NTC is the authority responsible for taking decisions on development and construction permits for complex types of development, set out in the development regulations and those related to issues, zones, objects of national importance or strategic investments of national interest.
The Territorial Development Agency acts as the Technical Secretariat of NTC.