DCM No. 383, dated 29/06/2023 “On the approval of the document "State standards for technical specifications of the geospatial information in Albania - Topic: Human health and safety"”.
DCM No. 382, dated 29/06/2023 “On the approval of the document "State standards for technical specifications of the geospatial information in Albania - Topic: Restricted use areas"”
DCM No. 811, dated 21/10/2020 “On the approval of the document "State standards for technical specifications of the geospatial information in Albania - Topic: Land use"”""
DCM no. 402, dated 20.5.2020 "On the adoption of the policy document “On the governance of the geospatial information sector in Albania, 2020-2030”
DCM no. 397 , dated 19.6.2019 “On the adoption of the document "State standards on technical specifications of geospatial information in Albania - Theme "Orthoimagery"
DCM no. 133, dated 20.03.2019 "On the adoption of the document "State standards on technical specifications of geospatial information in Albania - Theme: Transport networks”
DCM no. 134, dated 20.03.2019 “On the adoption of the document "State standards on technical specifications of geospatial information in Albania - Theme: Geology”
DCM No. 459, dated 16/06/2010 “On approving the common geodesic and GIS standards
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