DCM No. 671, dated 29/07/2015 “On approving the territorial planning regulation”, repealed
DCM No. 502, dated 13/07/2011 “On approving the uniform regulation on territorial development inspection”, repealed
DCM No. 481, dated 22/06/2011 “On approving the uniform regulation on planning instruments”, repealed
DCM No. 460, dated 16/06/2010 “On the organization and functioning of the territorial planning register, repealed
DCM No. 1190 date 13.11.2009 “On the organization and functioning of the National Territorial Planning Agency”, repealed
Law No. 10119, dated 23/04/2009 “On territorial planning”, repealed
Law No. 8405, dated 17/09/1998 “On urban planning”, repealed
DCM no. 722, dated 19.11. e 1998 “On the adoption of the Urban Planning Regulation”, as repealed