Agjensia Kombëtare e Planifikimit të Territorit


DCM no. 783, dated 7.10.2020 "On the adoption of the Action Plan 2020–2022, pursuant to the Intersectoral Strategy for Decentralization and Local Government, 2015–2022"

DCM No. 360, dated 29/05/2019 “On the approval of the updated map of administrative-territorial borders of local self-government units”

DCM no. 438, dated 18.7.2018 “On the transfer of the functions of the National Agency for Regional Development (NARD), the Agency for the Regional Economic Development (ARED) and the Regional Development Agencies (RDA) to the Albanian Development Fund (ADF)

DCM No. 910, dated 21/12/2016, “On issues, which are subject to consultation, and the structure, procedure, form and manner of organization and functioning of the Consultative Council of the central government and local self-government”, as amended

DCM No. 1108 dated 30/12/2015, “On the transfer of the irrigation and drainage infrastructure, personnel, as well as movable and immovable assets of the Regional Drainage Boards, from the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Water Administration to municipalities””

DCM No. 83, dated 28/01/2015, “On the establishment and operation of the Agency for Support of Local Self-Government”

DCM No. 510, dated 10/06/2015 “On the approval of procedures for the transfer of rights and obligations, the staff, tangible and intangible assets, archives and any other official documentation in local government units affected by the administrative-territorial reorganization”

DCM No. 319, dated 15/04/2015 “On the approval of the cross-cutting Strategy for Public Administration Reform 2015-2022

Map of regional development areas