DCM No. 111, dated 02/03/2022 “On determining the scope of state responsibility of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy”
DCM No. 64, dated 03/02/2021 “On an amendment to the Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 580, dated 28/08/2019 On the approval of the consolidated National Action Plan for Renewable Energy Sources, 2019-2020”
DCM No. 434, dated 03/06/2020 “On the approval of the National Plan for Sustainable Development of Digital Infrastructure, Broadband 2020-2025”
DCM No. 256, dated 27/03/2020 “On the approval of the methodology for calculating the optimal cost levels for the minimum energy performance requirements of buildings, units and building elements”
DCM. No. 580, dated 28/08/2019 “On the approval of the consolidated National Action Plan for Renewable Energy Sources, 2019-2021” (as amended by Decision No. 64, dated 03/02/2021)
DCM No. 580, dated 28/08/2019 “On the approval of the consolidated National Action Plan for Renewable Energy Sources, 2019-2020”
DCM No. 407, dated 19/06/2019 “On the approval of the procedure, categories, conditions, qualification and professional experience requirements for persons that will be equipped with the energy auditor certificate”